Thank You Cards

Thank You, You Made My Day


Hi there, I hope you’re having a good day!  It’s back to work for me after a three day weekend so I’m dragging this morning.  More coffee, please!

Today I have another clean and simple card, this time using some beautiful items from Pinkfresh Studio.  

I’ve used one of the standalone dies from the Floral Squares die set and sentiments from the Bird With Flowers stamp set.

I started by positioning the die over an A2-sized piece of Strathmore Bristol Smoothe cardstock to get an idea of where I wanted to mask off a square. I used 1″ PostIt tape to mask off a square that was just slightly larger than the die cut so that the die cut would pop a bit more against color.

Using foam blending tools, I blended Chipped Sapphire, Faded Jeans, and Scattered Straw Distress Inks.  Then I went back in with just a smidgen of Black Soot at the top of the square to deepen the dark blue.

While the ink was drying, I die cut the framed floral three times from white 110# Recollections cardstock and then stacked and adhered them together using a Zig 2-way Glue Pen.  I really love using the chisel tip glue pen for adhering delicate and fine die cuts together.

I positioned the “thank you” stamp in my Misti stamping tool and estimated where I wanted the “you made my day” sentiment to go.  I then used a very narrow piece of washi tape to mask off where that second line would overlap the “y” before I stamped the “thank you” in Versafine Clair Nocturne ink.  Then I stamped the second line in the same ink.  Since I’d masked off parts of the “y” that weren’t actually covered by the second line of the sentiment, I used a black Copic Multiliner pen to drawn in the loop of the “y” just to the left of “day.”

To finish the card, I adhered the die cut over the inked square and then adhered the card front to an A2-sized card base.

Thank you so much for visiting!


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